October 24, 2022

Mistakes you must avoid when organizing your personal finances plus 3 tips to help you

The most common mistake of all is not knowing what is "a credit" and you will say, but we all know that a credit is easy is a loan of money that one party gives to another, and that money you agree to pay in installments or in one payment with an additional interest but what happens is that people understand that when it is a credit card is as if they were paying with your debit card. Always remember that this practice is dangerous, you must know that the money you use must be paid before the dates set for this or you will end up paying high interest.

Today we will give you 3 tips to avoid this and other mistakes when buying and investing your money.

1.   Create a budget that clearly defines your financial objectives.

o Make your budget written or digital so you can review it every time you need to, there are applications that help you to keep these budgets to the letter.

o Write down your fixed expenses such as health insurance, car, food, education, mortgage, house, etc.

o Visualize where you want to be financially in the next 5 years (minimum) and 10 years (maximum) and write down your goals.

Goals can range from improving your financial status, restructuring your debts, increasing your emergency fund, earning extra income to supplement your current income, etc.

This tool will help you reach your financial goal.

2.   Develop your savings goals

The ideal is to start small and increase your goal as circumstances evolve. Once you have defined your budget and objectives, now comes the second step: saving.

They say that the most important thing is to make the habit, not the amount you start with. Make a sacrifice and start saving!

3. Do you want to invest your money? Invest only what you are willing to lose

Remember to invest in assets that you have knowledge of and remember to only invest the amount you are willing to lose. NEVER! Put at risk the money you may need.


These are the 3 tips that will help you improve your finances 100%.



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